My Charley Girl

My Charley Girl

Monday, October 11, 2010


Recently I went back not only through this blog but back on my carepages as well and read through my old posts. This has kind of become like a diary and I felt just as embarassed going back through this as I have reading an old junior high diary, YUCK. All that drama;) I realized how the tone of soo many of my posts all revolve around the same themes: extreme worry, fear, sadness, life awareness, and overwhelming emotion to name a few. A lot of them sound the same. And ALL of them are true feelings that I go through everyday, every week, every month.

Charlotte has her heart cath this week and bloodwork to get done beforehand. In the shower today I was thinking about how much I dread these weeks, almost as much as precription refill time which is also on the TO DO list for this week. So needless to say it's going to be a rough week, emotionally and physically because all of this worry just wears me the hell out.

My birthday is Wednesday and Jason surprised me last Thursday with a weekend away for him and I to Chicago (my most favorite place). He has said several times that I got jipped out of my last two birthdays because when I turned 30 I was pregnant, and when I turned 31 I was in the nightmare of my life and nursing Charlotte who 100% refused bottles and only would nurse. It was such a HARD time for me, I was literally slugging through life everyday, and I suppose still am even now to some degree.

My posts revolve around all of that so much, and yet, there has been an incredible amount of joy, grace, and wonderment in my life during all of that time as well. Charlotte is sitting here next to me making an absolute mess with her yogurt and ate eggs, and cheese before this which she has not touched in weeks. When you have a child like her it becomes of the upmost importance to keep her eating anything and everything that is halfway good for her, and more importantly that keeps her weight up. So now that she is toddlerfied, her eating is becoming sporadic and picky which in turn drives US crazy. But the point is SHE IS STILL HERE. She is smiling and laughing. "No" is her favorite word and she mummbles things you don't want her to do or have until you say the word as you're trying to figure it out, and right when you say it she says "okay" all smiley. So she is probably the only 23 month old who eats popcorn (except Alaina of course), and suckers, and gets to watch a sleepy Yo Gabba Gabba episode before she heads to bed.

She messes up Jake's lego worlds constantly and runs when he hears her to escape him. As I'm writing she is sticking a lego man in her yogurt and proclaiming "ewww, gross". She draws on my walls with pens, markers, and pencils that she finds hidden in Alaina's room and consistently breaks a silly band a day of her brother or sisters. She jumps like a maniac on the bed or in her crib, and bosses us around constantly. She dances and sings NON STOP, loves to go down the slide and swing. She is loving and hilarious and her hair is always standing straight up and her clothes stained. Charlotte in turn, is doing EVERYTHING she should be. I am so thankful for that today and tomorrow I will worry about the rest.

So not everyday is consumed with sadness, or fear. Granted those are always underlying tones, most days are filled with amazement at Alaina who received her first letter grade this year and was so proud of not just getting 100%, but 102% for her first "A". Jacob who builds anything, and everything you could ask for out of Lego's, and who can come up with rationalizations for things out of this world. My husband who has the capability to recognize that these have been some tough years for me, and I can appreciate all that he has gone through as well. Charlotte who continues to chug on. I have incredible amounts of thankfullness for my friends and family who keep us above water with all of their help and love. I also feel much hope for our future, and that whatever happens on this crazy, scary, sad, fearful, spiritual, eye opening love fest of our life that we will come out okay.

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